19 Jan 2011

Tsumo nemadimikira (ii)


Mwana asingachemi anofira mumbereko
A child who does not cry dies in the cradle; One should give voice to one's complaints

Totendamaruva tadya chakata
We believe in the blossoms when we have eaten the fruit; Promises are not to be relied on until they are performed

Kurera imbwa nomukaka mangwana inofuma yokuruma
Bring up a dog on milk it will bite you first thing the next day; One may spoil others by over-indulgence

Kwadzinorohwa matumbu ndiko kwadzinomhanyira
Where they are kicked in the belly is the place to which they run; Harshness attracts more than kindness, for example it is held that women are attracted to harsh men

Vataitururira matohwe nhasi ndivo votiseka maparapadzwa
Those for whom we got down snot apples are the ones who laugh at our bruises today; Kindness is not repaid bv respect

Chigarisano ndicho chine mhosva
What leads to living together is what leads to accusation; Familiarity breeds contempt

Mugoni wepwere ndiye asinayo
The one who can manage a child is the one who has none

Mhembwe rudzi kuzvara mwana ane kazhumu
A duiker is one of a species If it bears a child, he will have a tuft on his head; Like father, like son

Rukova rwizi kuyambuka unokwinya nguo
A brook is a river, when crossing you tuck in your clothes; A humble disposition is required to overcome difficulties

Wegudza ndowegudza kufuga gumbeze rinotsva
One meant to have a bark blanket is one meant to have a bark blanket. If he puts on a woolen one, it gets burnt; Misfortune dogs the unfortunate

Chako ndechako kuseva unosiya muto
What is yours is yours; when you dip a morsel of sadza, you can leave the gravy behind; One can rely only on what is one's own, one's kinsmen or one's property

Tsapata rukukwe hazvienzani nokuvata pasi
A worn out mat is still a bed It is not like sleeping on the ground; Half a loaf is better than no bread

Chidokodoko chirere-muviri chikuru chinozouya wakora
A very little is sustenance for the body; more will come later when it is fat; From small beginnings come great things

Chibwe chiremera chavari kure vari pedyo vanotamba nacho
A stone is a heavy thing for those who are afar; those who are near treat it as a plaything; A chief is respected by strangers while his own nephews joke with him

N'ai kwadzo ndedzomucheche dzomukuru dzinoreva kudya
Genuine yawns belong to the child; those of an adult betoken food; Children are ingenuous, adults devious. They convey their meanings, for example when complaining, in an indirect way

Kure ndokuna amai kune mukadzi unofa wasvika
Far is where mother is; where the wife is you risk death to reach; The difficulty in any venture is relative to one's interest

Nzou mutupo pana vanhu paseri ava machikichori
An elephant is taboo in public In private it is delicious food; Outward respectability may cloak secret self-indulgence

Chinogova ruoko muromo haugovi
What gives away is the hand The mouth does not give away; Deeds speak louder than words

Chakaenzanwa ibvudzi upfumi hahuna kuenzanwa
What is shared out equally is hair. Wealth is not shared out equally; People, though sharing a common nature, differ in their natural gifts and in their outlook

Chinokokwa upfumi urombo hunozvikoka
What is invited is wealth Poverty invites itself; Prosperity is acquired by arduous effort whereas poverty comes of itself

Chinokura usipo imombe munda unokura nokuvandurirwa
What grows in one's absence is a beast A field grows by being renewed; For success, unremitting labour is required

Chigere ibwe muti unowa
What abides is the stone The tree falls; No man should boast about his life or his strength

Ane marengenya haacharike moto
One who wears rags does not jump over a fire

Wakagarika ngewakafa mupenyu pfumo riri mushure
The one at peace is the one who is dead As for the living, a spear is poised behind him; Mortal man is always vulnerable to death

Ibangano muchateya kuzondoona kwava kwomumwe chete
It is cooperation while you are still setting the trap But as for going to inspect it, there is only one person; A man seeks the help of others when commencing an enterprise, but when he reaps its fruits, he keeps them for himself

Kuona roro kutsvuka kunze nyamba mukati makadyiwa namakonye
To see a roro fruit, it is red outside Yet inside it has been eaten by worms; An attractive exterior may hide a repulsive interior

Dare harizondi munhu rinozonda mhosva
A court does not hate the man It hates the crime; A court should be impartial

Mhosva inorondwa hakuna mhosva yakaita honye
A case is tracked down No case ever developed a worm; The claims of justice do not lapse through the passage of time

Kandiro enda kandiro dzoka
Little dish go Little dish come back; One good turn deserves another

Chauya masikati charamba ndima chauya usiku charamba hope
That which came during the day prevented weeding That which came during the night prevented sleep; One way or another, one is bound to suffer

Nhasi chineni mangwana chinewe
Today it is my turn Tomorrow it is yours; Do not mock at anyone in trouble, or take advantage of them. You may be in their shoes tomorrow

Pane danga pane mombe pane hundi pagara hurudza
Where a kraal is there are cattle Where chaff is there lives a good farmer; Every effect must have a cause, and every achievement requires effort

Rwomuranda rwakoneswa norwashe, rwashe rwakoneswa nemvura kunaya
The subject's journey was prevented by the chief's The chief's was prevented by the rain; There is no one without a superior

Chapadare chakakandwa parurimi rwavapfuuri. Chomumba chiri mumhepo
A matter arising in court is thrown to the tongues of passersby That arising in the home stays in the air within; In regard to public affairs one may speak openly, but not about
domestic affairs

Ane ganda ane nyama hazvienzane nowakabata hohwa
One who has some skin has some meat It is not as with him who holds only a mushroom; Half a loaf is better than no bread

Chisi chako hachibatsiri unodya wakaringa kumusuwo
What does not belong to you is of no use You eat facing the doorway; One cannot enjoy stolen property, or use borrowed goods with a relaxed mind

Charovedzera charovedzera gudo rakakwira mawere kwasviba
One who is used to something is one who is used to something. The baboon climbed the precipice in the dark; We do easily that to which we are accustomed

Chiripo chiripo ndarira imwe hairiri
What is there is there One bracelet does not tinkle on its own; Nothing happens without a cause, or Two witnesses are necessary to be believed

Chinonyenga chinokotama chinosimudza musoro chawana
The suppliant bows downHe raises his head when he has got whathe wants; Suppliant humilityis replaced by surfeitedpride

Kugocha kunoda kwaamai kwomwana kunodzima moto
Roasting requires (the action) of the mother. That of the child puts out the fire; Correctionis meted out to the young, never to the old

Inotanda yomunyepi younyerere haitandi
It chases, does the boaster's (dog) The modest man's does not chase; Boasting achieves more than performance

Nzanga inokura yerema yomuchenjeri inoparara
The village of the fool grows That of the clever man breaks up; The quiet achieve more than the talkers

Potsi haarwirwi anorwirwa ndiPiri
Number One is not fought over He who is fought over is Number Two; Action may not be taken against an offence until it is repeated

Dindingwe rinonakirwa richikweva iro kana rokwehwa roti, ‘Mavara angu azara ivhu'
The cheetah enjoys pulling the other along When it is pulled it says ‘My spots are covered in dirt'; One objects to treatment which one metes out to others

Gombarume kudze soro kukudza dumbu wonge wave chana
Master, have a big head If you have a big belly you become like a child; It is more important to have the intelligence to work for food than the mere appetite to enjoy it

Kunokanganwa mudyi wenyemba muoreri wamateko haakanganwi
The one who forgets is the eater of the beans The one who gathers up the shells does not forget; One who causes an injury may forget but the victim will not

Chinono chine ingwe bere rinodya richifamba
Caution characterises the leopard The hyena eats as he walks; No time like the present

Chawawana idya nehama mutorwa ane hanganwa
Eat what you have with a kinsman A stranger forgets; Blood is thicker than water

China manenji hachifambisi chinomirira kuti mavara aonekwe
A wonderful thing does not hurry away It waits for its marks to be seen; A criminal will always be caught because he will repeat his crime. A startling or terrible event will normally give previous warning of its likely occurrence

Chaikanya chototsa chaitotsa chokanyawo
The one who used to eat sadza dry now dips it into relish The one who used to dip it into relish now eats it dry; The wheel of Fortune goes round and roles are reversed

Nzanga seka dumba dumba seka nzanga
Village laugh at shack Shack laugh at village; The wheel of Fortune goes round and roles are reversed

Aive madziva ave mazambuko. Aive mazambuko ava madziva
What were pools have become fords What were fords have become pools

Chakatairi pasi ndeyavanhuvose asi iri mumuti ndeyo wagona kukwira
The fruit on the ground belongs to everyone That on the tree is for him who can climb; Do not take anything for granted unless it is in Your possession

Mbavha imbatwa mbavha-rutsoka ishamwari
A thief is one caught (red-handed) A thief (suspected by a) foot print is a friend;Noone must be presumed guilty unless witnessed committing a crime

Kutaura kudzikisira kuita makata
Speech is like going downhill. Action is like going uphill;Deeds not words

Kufa izuva rimwe, kuora igore
Death is one day. Corruption a year; Beware of what may harm you and have long-lasting consequences

Kureva ndokunei? Kutarisa kurevawo
What has speech got? Looking is also speaking

Ishe ndishe muranda muranda
A chief is a chief A subject is a subject; One's manner of acting should accord with one's position in society

Heya baravara ndiwo magariro kutuka mwene wechisvo ndiwo mano?
A shaven head is a way of life Is it wise to scold the owner of the razor; Do not offend your benefactors, you may need their help again

Chitsva chitsva munamba wejenachena
What is new is new It is white porridge made with beestings; New ways attract a following

Kungotya nyanga dzezizi nyamba manhenga
It's just fear of the horns of an owl Whereas they are feathers; Do not be ruled by appearances

Chipa-muchena kupfuma mudzimu wake
It is help to a poor man Riches are his spirit's affair; A poor man will not emerge from his poverty, though he is helped, since that is his lot

Chirungurira ndechowadya maradzwa chowerinopisa isvoto
Indigestion is the complaint of one who has eaten left-overs That suffered by one who eats warm food is pain in the stomach; Some offences are easier to bear than others

Chembere ndeyembwa yomurume ndibaba wavanhu
An old one as such is (when it is) a dog When it is a man he is the father of people; Accord respect to the old

Chembere ndeyembwa yomunhu inofa ichigurukuta
Mere old age belongs to a dog When human the old die grumbling; Accord respect to the old

Ane mhuri kwayo ndeane ndume ane mhurikadzi vaeni
One with a real family is one who has boys One with a family of girls has strangers; Women members of a family marry into their husband's clan and leave their parents

Rombe ngerichaenda rodzoka ndimambo
The beggar is the one who goes away On his return he is a chief; One who shows initiative is often ridiculed. But if he succeeds, he will be praised

Chembere masikati usiku imvana
An old woman by day At night still able to bear; We may show one side of ourselves in public and another in private

Chinokura choga isango munda kukura huona tewe
What grows on its own is a forest For a field to grow is to see a master

Kwamairidigikira ndiko kwomoringa benya kwamairinga benya ndiko kwomoridigikira
Where YOU used to visit is where you now turn up your nose Where you used to turn up your nose is where you now visit; People are fickle in their loyalties, and their friendship is swayed by a change of fortune

Atandavara aguta apfunyandowavatanayo
The one with legs outstretched has eaten his fill The one with crossed legs is theonewho went to bed hungry: viz.The feelings of others cannot be experienced as such but s how
themselves by external signs

Chava chigondora chava chimombe kukona kutunga urema hwacho
What was a bullock is now a grown beast If it cannot gore that is its stupidity; A grown man is expected to support his family

Chada mwoyo hachikoni mwoyo chiremba
What the heart wants is not impossible The heart is a doctor; The heart's desire makes a man work wonders

Shungu dzembwa dziri mumwoyo. Kuhukura ndiko kududza
A dog's feelings are in its heart Barking is their expression; Inner feelings will come out

Rombe rinosekwa richaenda kana rodzoka, hedzo nhureture
A beggar is ridiculed when he goes away When he returns, there is a load for you; One who shows initiative is often ridiculed. But if he succeeds, he will be praised

Kurayira kunoda pwere mukuru ndimambo
Discipline requires a child An adult is a chief; Discipline must be administered while children are young. A grown-up man is beyond being disciplined

Muromo haupi chinopa maoko
The mouth does not give What gives are the hands; Deeds not words

Rombe pakata hana mukaka ndowavaridzi
Beggar, look to vour conscience The milk belongs to its owners; Beggars can't be choosers)(What is yours is yours When you dip a morsel of sadza, you can leave the gravy behind; One can rely only on what is one's own, one's kinsmen or one's property

Tsapata rukukwe hazvienzani nokuvata pasi
A worn out mat is still a bed It is not like sleeping on the ground; Half a loaf is better than no bread

Chidokodoko chirere-muviri chikuru chinozouya wakora
A very little is sustenance for the body More will come later when it is fat; From small beginnings come great things

Chibwe chiremera chavari kure vari pedyo vanotamba nacho
A stone is a heavy thing for those who are afar Those who are near treat it as a plaything; A chief is respected by strangers while his own nephews joke with him

N'ai kwadzo ndedzomucheche dzomukuru dzinoreva kudya
Genuine yawns belong to the child Those of an adult betoken food; Children are ingenuous, adults devious. They convey their meanings, for example when complaining, in an indirect way

Nzou mutupo pana vanhu paseri ava machikichori
An elephant is taboo in public In private it is delicious food; Outward respectability may cloak secret self-indulgence

Chinogova ruoko muromo haugovi
What gives away is the hand The mouth does not give away; Deeds speak louder than words

Chakaenzanwa ibvudzi upfumi hahuna kuenzanwa
What is shared out equally is hair Wealth is not shared out equally; People, though sharing a common nature, differ in their natural gifts and in their outlook

Chinokokwa upfumi urombo hunozvikoka
What is invited is wealth Poverty invites itself; Prosperity is acquired by arduous effort whereas poverty comes of itself

Chinokura usipo imombe munda unokura nokuvandurirwa
What grows in one's absence is a beast A field grows by being renewed; For success, unremitting labour is required

Chigere ibwe muti unowa
What abides is the stone The tree falls; No man should boast about his life or his strength

Wakagarika ngewakafa mupenyu pfumo riri mushure
The one at peace is the one who is dead As for the living, a spear is poised behind him; Mortal man is always vulnerable to death

Ibangano muchateya kuzondoona kwava kwomumwe chete
It is cooperation while you are still setting the trap But as for going to inspect it, there is only one person; A man seeks the help of others when commencing an enterprise, but
when he reaps its fruits, he keeps them for himself

Kuona roro kutsvuka kunze nyamba mukati makadyiwa namakonye
To see a roro fruit, it is red outside Yet inside it has been eaten by worms; An attractive exterior may hide a repulsive interior

Dare harizondi munhu rinozonda mhosva
A court does not hate the man It hates the crime; A court should be impartial

Mhosva inorondwa hakuna mhosva yakaita honye
A case is tracked down No case ever developed a worm; The claims of justice do not lapse through the passage of time

Charovedzera charovedzera gudo rakakwira mawere kwasviba
One who is used to something is one who is used to something. The baboon climbed the precipice in the dark; We do easily that to which we are accustomed

Chiripo chiripo ndarira imwe hairiri
What is there is there One bracelet does not tinkle on its own; Nothing happens without a cause, or Two witnesses are necessary to be believed

Chinonyenga chinokotama chinosimudzamusorochawana
The suppliant bows downHe raises his head when he has got whathe wants; Suppliant humilityis replaced by surfeitedpride

Kugocha kunoda kwaamai kwomwana kunodzimamwoto
Roasting requires (the action) of the mother. That of the child puts out the fire; Correction is meted out to the young, never to the old

Inotanda yomunyepi younyerere haitandi
It chases, does the boaster's (dog) The modest man's does not chase; Boasting achieves more than performance

Nzanga inokura yerema yomuchenjeri inoparara
The village of the fool grows That of the clever man breaks up; The quiet achieve more than the talkers

Potsi haarwirwi anorwirwa ndiPiri
Number One is not fought over He who is fought over is Number Two; Action may not be taken against an offence until it is repeated

Dindingwe rinonakirwa richikweva iro kana rokwehwa roti, ‘Mavara angu azara ivhu'
The cheetah enjoys pulling the other along When it is pulled it says ‘My spots are covered in dirt'; One objects to treatment which one metes out to others

Gombarume kudze soro kukudza dumbu wonge wave chana
Master, have a big head If you have a big belly you become like a child; It is more important to have the intelligence to work for food than the mere appetite to enjoy it

Kunokanganwa mudyi wenyemba muoreri wamateko haakanganwi
The one who forgets is the eater of the beans The one who gathers up the shells does not forget; One who causes an injury may forget but the victim will not

Chinono chine ingwe bere rinodya richifamba
Caution characterises the leopard The hyena eats as he walks; No time like the present

Chawawana idya nehama mutorwa ane hanganwa
Eat what you have with a kinsman A stranger forgets; Blood is thicker than water

China manenji hachifambisi chinomirira kuti mavara aonekwe
A wonderful thing does not hurry away It waits for its marks to be seen; A criminal will always be caught because he will repeat his crime. A startling or terrible event will normally give previous warning of its likely occurrence

Chaikanya chototsa chaitotsa chokanyawo
The one who used to eat sadza dry now dips it into relish The one who used to dip it into relish now eats it dry; The wheel of Fortune goes round and roles are reversed

Nzanga seka dumba, dumba seka nzanga
Village laugh at shack Shack laugh at village; The wheel of Fortune goes round and roles are reversed

Aive madziva ave mazambuko. Aive mazambuko ava madziva
What were pools have become fords What were fords have become pools

Chakatairi pasi ndeyavanhuvose asi iri mumuti ndeyo wagona kukwira
The fruit on the ground belongs to everyone That on the tree is for him who can climb; Do not take anything for granted unless it is in Your possession