The past is a grave, its stories buried deep
A reminder of what's been lost, what we can no longer keep
A record of pain, of regret, of sorrow
A weight that we carry, as we enter tomorrow

The future is a mirage, a fleeting dream
A glimpse of what could be, a truth that's hard to glean
A world of uncertainty, of fear, of doubt
A path fraught with danger, full of pitfalls

The past is a curse, its lessons hard-learned
A reminder of mistakes made, of bridges burned
But the future is a promise
A chance to start anew, and leave the past behind

So mourn the past, grieve for what's been lost
But hold on to hope,
For the future is ours to shape


  1. A Brutal State of Affairs: The Rise and Fall of Rhodesia (H. Ellert, D. Anderson)
  2. Marondera and the Mashona Rebellion (R. Hodder-Williams)
  3. The Development of African Agriculture in Southern Rhodesia (E. Punt)
  4. The Explorations of the Portuguese and the Spread of Portuguese Influence (R. Dickinson)
  5. The Impact of the Various Invasions from Sociological and Economic Angles (E. Greenfield)
  6. A New Concept of Shona Philosophy (M. Gelfand)
  7. Notes On Some African Stone Games (J. Matthews)
  8. Oral Traditions: Some Speculations (C. Latham)
  9. Rhodesia - Little White Island (J. Parker)
  10. Shona Praise Poetry (A.C Hodza, G. Fortune)
  11. The Journal of African History (D. Beach)
  12. The Lomagundi District (J. A. Edwards)
  13. The Makaranga (K. Mauch)
  14. The Mazowe Patrol (H. Pollett)
  15. The Native Labourer and His Food (R. Howman)
  16. The Shona Idea of God (W.J vd Merwe)
  17. The Shona Peoples (M. Bourdillon)